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App designed to help companies to handle with problems based on Plan Do Check Act Methodology

This application is available only in Portuguese

1. Decription of the Offer: Exclusive software based on the PDCA cycle that allows organizations to develop their most varied themes with the support of a quality tool recognized worldwide. Increase your team's connectivity and allow digital interaction one step beyond the obvious. Using PDCApp you allow your company to have the power of transformation in the palm of your hand. 

2. Type of users benefits: Users from corporate companies who deals on a daily basis the challenge to deal and solve problems in order to ensure organizations objectives

3. Customer needs or pain that the offer address: Helps companies manages and control problem-solving action plan and support companies to keep this programs on tracked, not forgeting to identify the main causes of a problem. 

Also, the app also offer:
- Manage PDCA with analysis of cause, schedule and goals. 
- Set up automatic reminders, notifications and reports.
- Plan meetings and create minutes easily and quickly. 
- Organize, analyze and monitor goals and performance indicators. Evaluate employees according to their performance. 
- Manage the supply chain and their respective PDCA's. 
- Offer training (included) to employees according to their score in the Team Manager. 
- Standardize all quality documents and procedures. 
- Perform root cause analysis with ishikawa methodologies and 5 whys directly in the application. 
- Start a new PDCA automatically. 
- Create root cause pareto in minutes.

At a glance