BESTIE for Viva Connections: Managed Service


Sustain employee engagement by bringing news, resources & business apps directly to your employees, in one intranet site, with Viva Connections.

Get started on bringing employee engagement through YEAPS BEST for Microsoft Viva Connections Home site; A home site that’s not just beautiful but also functional and valuable. Give employees a one source of truth about all the facets of an organization in relation to employee experiences.

After building the home site, take the next step to sustain it.

YEAPS BESTIE for Microsoft Viva Connections enables the organization to have a follow-through operation and maintenance on their home site while the organization’s resources usage are kept at a minimum. With us providing the manpower resources, process management, and technology resources, the organization continuously benefits of a home site while still focusing on matters prioritized by the company.

Start with our YEAPS BEST to create the home site then move forward and sustain it with our YEAPS BESTIE for managed services


  1. PLAN (Architecture & Content)
  2. DEVELOP (Style & Experience Design)
  3. BUILD (Home Site Creation & Test)
  4. TRAIN (Internal Comms Team Readiness)
  5. LAUNCH (Company-Wide Launch Event)

YEAPS BESTIE SUSTAIN (Managed Services) – We will provide manpower services, process management, and technology resources to sustain the aesthetics and functionality of the home site. To maintain this, we will provide engagement facilitation, feedback and information management, and site maintenance, among others.

Additional Services avaialble based on the needs and readiness: End-to-end Viva Connections home site management • Content creation for the home site • News and campaign management Add-on services, e.g.: • Special templates and widgets • Conceptualization and implementation of intranet site launch and its communications • Custom proprietary media and apps

This solution is a managed service on a contract of 1-3 years. May change based on scope.

T&Cs and pricing are custom to each engagement.

At a glance