BE-terna IDC Incoming Documents for D365 BC

by BE-terna

Receive Incoming Electronic Documents for processing in Business Central

BE-terna IDC Incoming Documents

Welcome to BE-terna IDC Incoming Documents, a powerful Business Central solution designed to streamline the process of receiving electronic documents from various providers. Our app is tailored to enhance your document management workflow, providing a seamless and efficient experience for handling electronic documents within Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central. Try BE-terna IDC Incoming Documents now for a smarter approach to electronic document management.

Effortless Document Reception:

Receive electronic documents effortlessly through secure and reliable web services. Our app simplifies the process, ensuring a smooth and error-free transfer of critical documents from providers like SEF, MER, FITEKIN and others.

Real-time Integration:

Enjoy real-time integration capabilities that keep your data up-to-date. Stay on top of your electronic documents with instant updates, eliminating the need for manual interventions and reducing the risk of errors.

Key Features

  1. Document Handling:

    Efficiently receive various electronic document types, including Purchase Invoices, Credit Memos, and Debit Notes. Our app ensures seamless integration and handling of diverse document formats.

  2. Flexible Import Options:

    Import documents with ease using manual import functionality. Support for XML or JSON file formats allows you to bring in electronic documents effortlessly, ensuring compatibility with a wide range of sources.

  3. Structured Data Storage:

    Store all received data in well-organized structural tables. Our app logs all communication with providers during web service calls, providing a comprehensive record of interactions for auditing and analysis purposes.

  4. Archiving Automation:

    Automate the archiving process of received documents. Define triggers to initiate archiving automatically, ensuring that your document history is maintained efficiently.

  5. Attachment Management:

    Store attachments related to documents and choose which attachments to include. Enjoy flexibility in managing attachments associated with electronic documents, tailoring the storage to your specific needs.

  6. Real-time Document Status Check:

    Check the status of received documents in real-time via provider web services. Stay informed about the progress of your electronic documents and take prompt action based on up-to-date information.

  7. Document Status Management:

    Change the status of received electronic documents, such as approving or rejecting them. Customize workflows to align with your business processes and maintain control over the approval and rejection of documents.

  8. Automated Document Creation:

    Process and create Business Central documents, such as Purchase Invoices, Credit Memos, and Incoming Documents, directly from received electronic documents. Streamline your document creation workflow for increased efficiency.

  9. Mapping Rules for Customization:

    Create mapping rules to allow customizable transformations of electronic documents into purchase documents or incoming documents. Tailor the rules to match the specific requirements of your business processes.

  10. Value Comparison:

    Compare values between electronic documents and Business Central purchase documents. Ensure accuracy and consistency by validating data at each step of the document transformation process.

  11. Document Linking:

    Establish a link between electronic documents and Business Central purchase documents. Define link rules to create meaningful associations, providing a comprehensive view of your document relationships.

  12. Preview Functionality:

    Temporarily preview how a Purchase Document will be created from electronic documents. Gain insight into the transformation process before finalizing the document creation.

  13. Automated Processing with Job Queues:

    Automate the process of receiving and status checks using Job Queues. Enhance efficiency by scheduling tasks to run at specific intervals, reducing manual intervention.

At a glance