Digital Signature Integration SAMADHAN

by Samadhan

Digital Signature on D365 Finance and Operations

Digital signature for PDF documents on Dynamics 365 F&O ERP

All users of Dynamics 365 F&O can use Digital Signature integration feature to digitally sign documents to comply the authentication of these within Dynamics 365 F&O ERP.


  • Security: Digital signature on D365 Security capabilities are embedded in digital signatures to ensure a legal document isn't altered and signatures are legitimate.
  • Timestamping: This provides the date and time of a digital signature and is useful when timing is critical, such as for trading, delivery tracking and legal proceedings etc.
  • Globally accepted and legally compliant: Digitally signed documents are globally accepted in digital form and considered legally compliant document.
  • Time savings: Digital signatures simplify the time-consuming processes of physical document signing, storage and exchange, enabling businesses to quickly access and sign documents.
  • Cost savings: Organizations can go paperless and save money previously spent on the physical resources, time, personnel and office space used to manage and transport documents.
  • Positive environmental effects: Reducing paper use also cuts down on the physical waste generated by paper and the negative environmental impact of transporting paper documents.
  • Traceability: Digital signatures create an audit trail that makes internal record-keeping easier for businesses. With everything recorded and stored digitally, there are fewer opportunities for a manual signee or record-keeper to make a mistake or misplace something.

Steps to be followed are very simple and user friendly.

Digital signature can be applied by 2 ways- Manual upload and Auto.

At a glance