Live Metadata

by Qualitem

(1 ratings)

Manage your SharePoint document metadata from within Microsoft Word or Excel.

Live Metadata makes managing metadata in SharePoint easy and intuitive. Allowing you to profile your documents at the time of editing and add the metadata real-time.

With Live Metadata you can manage all your document metadata from within Word or Excel, just fill in your metadata at the same time as you are authoring your content.

You no longer need to go through the process of uploading your document to SharePoint, opening the site and finding the document and then filling in the metadata.

Simply load Live Metadata and start entering in your metadata for your document.

Live Metadata Features:

  • Supports both Word and Excel real-time editing of metadata in SharePoint.
  • Supports complex fields types such as: managed metadata, people picker, picture fields and lookup fields.
  • Mandatory fields are indicated using a red asterisk. No more “Required Fields” errors.
  • Customised edit form allows you to configure a list view to set the fields to display in edit mode.
  • Customised display form allows you to configure a list view to set the field display order. Read-only fields can be configured too.
  • NEW! Now with dark mode! Live Metadata will automatically adapt to your Office color scheme to save your eyes. Can be toggled in settings as well.

Requires a Microsoft 365 account with access to SharePoint.

Free 30 day trial. Additional purchase may be required. See website ( for more details.

App capabilities

When this app is used, it
  • Can read and make changes to your document
  • Can send data over the Internet

At a glance