Shielded HTML Viewer

by Nova Silva

Microsoft PBI Certified
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Visualize your HTML formatted content to add valuable context to your figures.

Most business applications allow users to enrich the data by adding additional context. Often, this additional context (like comments and feedback) is stored as HTML formatted text. This allows the user to not only include the content, but also apply all kinds of formatting to the content (like Bold, Italic, lists, tables, etc.).

Being able to show this additional context adds value to reports and dashboard, as it helps the readers to better understand the presented figures.

The Shielded HTML Viewer will seamlessly display any HTML-5 formatted text next to other figures in your Power BI reports.

The Shielded HTML Viewer will only process and render HTML-tags and -attributes that are specified in our allow-list. This to mitigate potential security risks (such as inline scripting). Any tag or attribute not specified on the allow-list will be ignored.

The HTML5-elements which are allowed by the Shielded HTML Viewer are:

Content sectioning: h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6

Text content: blockquote, dd, div, dl, dt, hr, li, ol, p, pre, ul

Inline text semantics: a, b, br, code, em, i, q, s, small, span, strong, sub, sup, wbr

Table content: caption, col, colgroup, table, tbody, td, tfoot, th, thead, tr

Version 2.0 also includes support for SVG-tags, support for Data URL's for images and support for using the NAV-tag to add navigation to your report (See this link for more information.)

This visual offers in-app purchases and comes with free access to evaluate the paid features.

All functionality of the Shielded HTML Viewer is available for free within Power BI Desktop. The licensed version is needed for sharing the reports with your colleagues in Power BI Service. Need more information? Visit our site at:

Visual capabilities

This visual is certified by Power BI

At a glance