Abtrac - Project Management

by Above Board Computer Consulting Ltd

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Projects, Timesheets and Invoicing - for Engineers, Surveyors and Architects

A perfect fit for professionals, Abtrac is comprehensive business management software.

It’s made for AEC design practices who sell their time and expertise.

Our aim at Abtrac is to ensure your business runs more smoothly. 

We streamline project management - from proposals, to planning, tracking time & task progress, through to invoicing and analysis.

With an end-to-end system like Abtrac it’s easy to answer questions like:

  • Where are we up to on that job?
  • What can we invoice this month?
  • Why does it feel like we’re treading water on this one?

There's no time spent worrying about what might be happening - you already know.

We’ve worked with thousands of users in the AEC space tailoring Abtrac to their needs since 1999. That’s what makes it a perfect fit for land surveying, planning, engineering and construction design companies.

  • We streamline projects
  • You save hours of admin time
  • And recover more revenue

Features of Abtrac include: 

Project Management  |  Tasks/stages for each job  |  Forecast & schedule work  |  Timesheets & disbursements | Invoices  |   Debtor Management  |  Accounting package integration | Analysis & Reports |

At a glance