Popote Pay

by Popote Payments Ltd

POPOTE PAY is a payments application equipped with management & accounting features.

Popote Pay is a revolutionary payment, expense management & accounting solution. It is unique in that it enables the financial processes around payments to be performed in one place i.e requisition, approval, disbursement & accounting thereof, with a wealth of supporting features & capabilities that are compelling enough to cause user adoption & replacement of all other prior used methods, both traditional & digital.

It allows multiple users on an account to collaborate on payments, while providing the controls and visibility to do so safely. Users can be assigned rights and limits to either create, approve their own or approve other’s payments. Payments can be disbursed one at a time, in installments or in bulk to a wide range of endpoints including; mobile numbers, paybills, buygoods, bank accounts, ecommerce and POS. They can also be transmitted instantly or post-dated to mimic the use of cheques. Thereafter expenditure records are maintained in an accounting format, by general ledger and a variety of cost centers including branches, jobs, projects, vehicles and plant and machinery, which can be filtered, drilled down and displayed graphically.

Popote Pay is sufficient for the accounting needs of small businesses. It however allows for data export into accounting systems such as quickbooks, which are in use by medium sized businesses and allows for integration with resource planning systems (ERPs) such as SAP, which are in use by large businesses. It is complimentary rather than competitive to accounting and ERP systems.

Popote Pay incorporates SMS and email communications which empowers users to collaborate with one another from anywhere. At a minimal adoption level it allows businesses to eliminate petty cash and handle bulk payments, but adopted fully it handles accounts payables and every other expenditure to achieve complete digitization of expenditure within the business.

Popote Pay promotes best business practice in financial control & accounting. Its use eliminates risks, prevents fraud, reduces workload, & improves the quality of work life for all involved in or overseeing expenditure; e.g investors, managers, accountants & auditors.

Popote Pay is cloud based. Users access it via the mobile application or web portal to make payments to bank accounts, mobile wallets and most other destinations. Users can also opt for a linked card to make payments on websites and point of sales, with data returned to the application for accounting purposes.

At a glance