PowerInbox Email Monetization

by PowerInbox

PowerInbox's platform helps users create a powerful multi-channel engagement & monetization strategy

With its data algorithms and sophisticated matching capability, PowerInbox gives publishers insight into the type of content you should be creating in order to drive more clicks and keep your customers happy. PowerInbox in email ads act like organic updates that are tailored to your audience using advanced targeting criteria including: first person data, on open data – for example, device, geography & time of day and personalized click history. Easily improve user experience with content that is relevant to your customer’s interests and needs, which in turn increases CTR and revenue. PowerInbox works with you to find the best balance of content and ads in your email newsletters with zero up-front cost, no minimums and excellent payment terms.

PowerInbox not only uses its leading-edge algorithm to monetize email, but also emerging channels as well as push notifications, and websites. Using email as a unique identifier, PowerInbox delivers precise personalization and increasingly relevant content across multiple channels--web, email, push notifications, apps and more--all linked to each individual's email address.

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