Valuelenz Clienteling (in-store)


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The salesperson shops together with the consumer, offering VIP experience and quick self-checkout

Valuelenz Clienteling turns any salesperson to a product guru and makes in-store shopping more convenient, personal, and fun.

Your customers come to your store and may need help to choose. With Valuelenz Clienteling, your salespeople can have immediate access to infinite product details, photos, videos, as well as personal offers and discounts, so that they can serve customer best and help them make the right choice. And perhaps provide some additional inspiration.

The salesperson, using Valuelenz Clienteling, creates the digital basket on behalf of the customer and the forwards it to the customer’s mobile, ready for purchase. The consumer opens the incoming message (e.g. SMS, email, Viber) with the included basket, and proceeds to self-checkout and payment, bypassing the cash desks. VIP service and no waiting for payment.

Valuelenz Clienteling is great for retailers of any size and any kind. Redardless the number of salespeople, Clienteling can be quickly deployed without any effort by the retailer, and easily managed and operated.

Valuelenz has proven itself in production, boosting sales (avg. basket value and profit) and customer loyalty in retail sectors like Fashion, Cosmetics, Consumer Electronics, Home & Accessories and Supermarkets. It is also localized in 26 languages, so that consumers can instantly select the language of their preference for their shopping.

Valuelenz Clienteling is a product within the Valuelenz hybrid commerce platform. Valuelenz is the only omni-context platform that facilitates phygital shopping, both in-store and remotely, both self-service and with assistance. The platform includes the following SaaS products:

· Autonomous Shopping

· Clienteling

· Anyplace Shopping

· Video Shopping, and

· Inclusion,

coupled with personal offers, incentives and rewards, as well as self-checkout.

At a glance