
by Tech ICS Ltd

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Hybrid Legal CRM.

Hybrid Legal allows you to manage your customer in-takes to managing workflows, legal case management and opportunity lead, helping you to deliver exceptional service to your customers. It helps legal professionals

Managing your enquiries & matters

Hybrid Legal comes with interactive dashboards, allowing you to a snapshot of the day to day activites, from matters, to meetings, booked consultations, tasks and events. Our communication centre, allows you to see updates within your firm and chat with colleagues within your firm. Everything in one place.

Recording time on your matters

Hybrid Legal lets you manage & record times worked on matters. You will be able to record both billable and non-billable time entries & use the automated time recorder when dealing with the matters. Where firms work on either hourly rates, fixed costs or on public funding, you will be able to evaluate time being spent on matters, and streamline inefficient and costly processes, making it easy to tackle administrative tasks and increase profitability.

Our interactive task management tools, lets you set out tasks with timings and manage important tasks for all matters. Plan and prioritise your work, and avoid overlaps by distributing tasks with a drag-and-drop planners.

At a glance