Prodware Wealth Management for CE

por Prodware Group

Identify and manage client potential in wealth management

Wealth Management for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Sales

Run and develop your wealth management portfolio whilst maintaining security and confidentiality, directly in your Microsoft Dynamics 365 system.

Do you have a view of your partner’s pipeline? Can you achieve a complete view of client AUM? Are your processes fully compliant with industry regulations? Do you know the potential of your client in order to achieve it?

One of the greatest challenges of the wealth management industry today is to identify client potential.

Wealth Management is used by wealth managers, life insurance experts and private bankers, giving them a clear overview of their clients’ potential and allowing them to categorize their profiles.

The solution brings together all the information about each member’s net worth and potential, whilst providing graphs that gather essential data such as portfolio spread and revenue generated for your organization. Wealth Management has been developed to ensure the specific security and confidentiality rules of the market.

Features and benefits of using this app

All you need to run your wealth management operation:
  • Achieve a holistic view of client potential, categorize profiles and set priorities
  • Understand full risk profiles of portfolios
  • Benefit from 360 degree analytics
  • Optimize portfolio management with group views
  • Calculate partner commissions and company charges easily
  • Streamline the onboarding process
  • Achieve an overview of assets (via your solution catalog, opportunities and “Know Your Customer” information)
  • Connect your multiple back end systems with easy mapping, update scheduling and error processes
Speak to Prodware about realizing the potential of your wealth management portfolio with secure and professional tools.

Next steps:

To boost your Dynamics 365 Sales system in this way; please contact Prodware to find out more.

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