Easy Taxonomy

por Accuracy Software Inc.

(1 clasificaciones)

An effective way to manage your file classification plan for better records management.

Easy Taxonomy™ for Microsoft 365 is available for free for starters, with full functionality for 2 users/2 file plans.

Easy Taxonomy is an intuitive file classification plan management software hosted on SharePoint that gives you and your team a set of collaboration features to create, update, approve and publish your file classification plan to the entire organization.

Easy Taxonomy allows you to create your file retention schedule and associate it with the file plan and deploy it to the Microsoft 365 Compliance Center. In addition, it allows you to deploy your file plan as a managed metadata in the SharePoint Term Store.

Key features:

  • Upload from Excel; You do not have to start from scratch, Easy Taxonomy™ provides you with the ability to upload your file classification plan from Excel.
  • Bilingual; Easy Taxonomy™ has a bilingual interface (English and French) and allows you to build your file plan in two different languages
  • Role-Based Access; Easy Taxonomy™ role-based access allows you to bring different types of collaborators into the game with different access rights:

    • Readers: these are end-users who only need access to the published version of the file classification Plan, not the draft versions, this is the default access given to any user who has access to the SharePoint site where Easy Taxonomy™ is installed.

    • Reviewers: these are SMEs who have access to review and comment on the draft file classification plan but do not have edit rights.

    • Editors: these are the individuals who hold the pen to the development of the file plan, they have full control, except they cannot add or delete versions of the file plan, and they cannot publish a file plan.

    • Approvers: in addition to all the access right given to the Editors, these individuals can start a new version of the file plan, edit, publish and upload the file plan to the Term Store right from the App.

    • Adminstrators: In addition to manging the Role-Based Access and the App Settings, Admins are able to archive/un-archive a file plan.

  • Version control; Easy Taxonomy™ provides you with a manual version control, where you can manually create a minor or a major version using an excel version or the latest published version, and at any point in time you can restore a previous version.
  • Lifecycle your file plan; Easy Taxonomy™ manages different states of the File Classification plan

    • Draft: visible to Reviewers, and can be edited by the Editors and the Approvers

    • Submitted: Only the Approver who has the right to edit the file plan while it is in this state

    • Published: visible to Readers which is usually everyone in the organization

    • Archived: visible only to Admins.

  • Work offline; You can export the File Classification Plan to Excel, work on it offline and import it back to the app.
  • Develop Microsoft 365 Retention Labels; Easy Taxonomy™ provides you with an improved version of the Microsoft 365 File Plan Management that allows you to build your retention schedule and associate it with the File Plan.
  • Upload to the Term Store; Easy Taxonomy™ integrates with SharePoint Term Store, it allows you to upload the file plan to the SharePoint Term Store right from the App.

New Features' Highlight:

  • Taxonomy Views; Multinational organizations may have a different classification scheme for different business units or locations around the world, whereas the need is to maintain a centralized file classification plan. That's why we created the Taxonomy View feature which allows users to see only a subset of the file plan, while keeping the file plan centralized.

  • Taxonomy Web Service; A new Azure Function is available to deploy to the Azure Customer Portal, the function provides a web service link which when invoked returns the latest published version of the file plan(s) in Json format based on provided parameters. Learn more...
  • Advanced Search; Enterprise level organizations manage huge file plan(s) which are not easy to browse, that's why advanced search function is necessary to easily search the file plan, find and access the items.
  • Custom Attributes; Additional properties may need to be captured for the file plan items. In this release, you can create, use, and reuse custom attributes to capture custom properties in your file plans

Important Notices:

  • The user who installs the application for the first time automatically becomes an administrator with the possibility of assigning the administrator role to other members.
  • In order for Taxonomy™ to be able to manage the term store it is required for the SharePoint administrator to;

    1) Approve the API Access request on the API Access page, Learn more here....

    2) Add the Taxonomy approvers as Term Store administrators on the SharePoint Term Store page, Learn more here....

  • For installation and configuration steps, please follow this link: Easy Taxonomy™


The trial can be turned into a full version by purchasing a license key, for more details, please visit our product site:

For questions please email us at

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