Modelon Impact for Excel

por Modelon

Set-up, run and visualize systems simulations on the cloud - directly from Excel

Modelon Impact is a systems design environment where the model is at the heart of all operations. It supports system-level modeling, simulation, optimization and analysis to drive engineering insight and decision-making.

The Modelon Impact Add-In for Excel lets you set up, configure and execute model experiments in Modelon Impact directly in Excel. This enables workflows like running sweeps with custom configurations and rapid requirements verification, and makes it easy to post-process the simulation results using the available functionality in Excel.

Using Modelon Impact Add-In for Excel requires a Modelon Impact Account. Accounts are purchased through Modelon's commercial department. To get in contact, please use the “contact us” link from the landing page of the add in.

Funcionalidades de la aplicación

Cuando se usa esta aplicación,
  • Puede leer el documento y hacer cambios
  • Puede enviar datos por Internet

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