Pargesoft External Pos Integration Adapter

por Parge Yazilim Danismanlik Tic.A.S.

Pargesoft External Pos Integration API

“Universal API for All Retail / Restaurant POS Systems for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Retail”

PargeSoft External Pos Integration Adapter is a universal Point of Sale (POS) connection for restaurant and/or retail app development that provides easy, singular access to the fragmented POS market with a complete set of features to fit your needs. The API enables one integration across all supported POS systems with Microsoft Dynamics 365 Retail & Finance Systems and more.

Although; Microsoft Dynamics 365 Retail System is one of the most comprehensive Retail ERP System worldwide, companies who’re considering the buy this ERP System can also consider keeping their existing POS Systems for several reasons such as;

-               Restaurant business does its own unique requirements on POS Systems which standard Dynamics POS Interface may not meet those;

-               License Cost of the POS Users can be blocker in some cases;

-               Phased implementation can be chosen to mitigate of ERP implementation risks and keeping existing POS Systems for initial phases

PargeSoft External Pos Integration Adapter is a flexible integration layer for the retailers/restaurant chains who are going to implement Retail ERP System but with keeping their existing POS Systems to proceed customer experience at store/restaurant level.

A Flexible API

Once installed, you’ll have a set of cloud-based dashboards and tools for easy integration and management.

  • Integrated with multiple POS systems
  • Detailed POS sales data delivered securely and in real-time
  • Seamless ordering with existing terminals and processes
  • No interruption to operations with automated failover
  • Security is covered with enterprise level Microsoft’s Cloud platform
  • Aggregate data from multiple locations and POS brands

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