Ask Legal

por LexisNexis SA

The Ask Legal is for employees to submit legal requests.

See what's happening with your legal requests in real-time with Ask Legal.

Ask Legal grants you transparency into the progress of your legal requests as they occur. With its smooth and clear submission process, you'll never need to worry about missing critical details or locating a missing file again.

Simplified Submission
  • Ask Legal's simple portal guides you through the process of contacting your legal department, ensuring that important details are captured, and that the right attorney receives and can begin working on it as soon as possible.
Request Portal
  • A common storage for all requests past and present gives you live updates about major events on your current requests and easy access to those past.
Central Communication
  • Using Microsoft Teams chats for communication and SharePoint for file storage, all material related to a request is available at the click of a button.
Get Started
  • Ask Legal requires a subscription from LexisNexis®. Contact us for details.

Funcionalidades de la aplicación

Cuando se usa esta aplicación,
  • Puede enviar datos por Internet
  • Esta aplicación puede obtener acceso a información personal en el mensaje activo, como números de teléfono, direcciones postales o URL. La aplicación puede enviar estos datos a un servicio de terceros. Otros elementos del buzón no se pueden leer ni modificar.

De un vistazo