
por g360

Connect & elevate your experience with gather360 add-in for excel, integrating quality data & AI.

Enhance Your Excel Capabilities with gather360 add-in for excel

Unlock the full potential of your Excel spreadsheets with gather360's add-in for excel, designed to seamlessly integrate with your AI-ready data layer. This powerful add-in enables you to access and utilize high-quality data directly within Excel, perfect for analytics and leveraging Excel AI Copilot features.

Who Benefits?

  1. Business Analysts: Streamline complex data analysis, reduce manual data manipulation, and produce reliable insights faster.
  2. Data Scientists: Access a robust data framework within Excel for advanced model building and AI integrations.
  3. Small to Medium Enterprises (SMEs): Empower your teams to make data-driven decisions without the need for specialized software, directly enhancing productivity and strategic impact.

Key Features and Benefits:

  1. Data Integration: Easily connect with your business’s data repositories for real-time data access.
  2. AI-Ready: Prepares and optimizes your data for use with Excel’s AI Copilot, enhancing predictive analytics and automation capabilities.
  3. User-Friendly: Designed with a focus on simplicity and efficiency, facilitating a low barrier to entry for all levels of Excel users.

Whether you're looking to enhance data analysis, capitalize on AI tools within Excel, or streamline business processes, gather360 add-in for excel is your gateway to a smarter, more data-driven workspace.

To get started with gather360 and use the add-in for excel:

  1. Sign up for a free trial: First, visit and sign up for a free trial account.
  2. Set up your workspace: Within your workspace settings, you'll find the credentials you need to use the Excel add-in.
  3. If you encounter any issues, feel free to contact gather360 support at


To use this add-in, a gather360 subscription is necessary. This subscription provides access to the data and features the gather360 add-in for excel leverages. Pricing details can be found at gather360 Pricing

Funcionalidades de la aplicación

Cuando se usa esta aplicación,
  • Puede leer el documento y hacer cambios
  • Puede enviar datos por Internet

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