por AI check, s.r.o.
StyleMatcher uncovers information hidden in texts
StyleMatcher uncovers information hidden in texts. Starting with gender or age, through language knowledge or education level, it goes all the way to complex information about personality and personal traits. Thanks to StyleMatcher, you can translate properties of text into knowledge of its author.
Online service with both rich API and analytic tools running on Microsoft Azure with integration of major
communication tools such as Teams, Slack and many email services. Integration to databases containing CVs
and other user texts is also supported. Texts conceal a lot of information about their authors. If they are decoded properly, it increases your chance to select the best applicant based on their resumes and motivational letters, as you are given predictions of their company culture fit and personal traits immediately. Once they join your organization, analyzing their textual
interactions within the team can be used to look after their mental health and overall employee experience while respecting their privacy. Identifying any anomalies can help you take care of your employees, keep them happy, performing and contributing to your company’s success.