Forum 360

por Forum Care Limited

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Using data science and AI to improve cost of sales efficiency, client confidence and revenue growth

Trust matters and as Peter Drucker famously said, “What gets measured, improves.” Within financial services as an example, trusted product managers raise up to 4x the investment of performing managers. Measuring performance is standardized. Measuring trust is not – until now. Forum 360 is the leader in the measurement and distribution of intimate meeting experiences. Our clients are benefiting from:

  1. A stronger human connection with more customers,
  2. Better messaging built around customer agenda,
  3. Better sales outcomes by following the data,
  4. Cost of sales efficiency gains through smarter resource allocation; and
  5. Reduced internal friction from timely and objective feedback as well as the items above.

Standardized Intelligence Across All Sales/IR Meeting Formats

Apply a standardized and comprehensive data thread across all sales meeting formats. Setup your sales meeting in any format in under 3min then start capturing over 45 data points from pre-meeting agenda through the intimate meeting experience and on to fulfilment.

And Across Multiple Brands (Intermediary Partners)

Partner with wealth managers and other intermediaries to provide access to experts in a secure, intimate and compliant manner. Distributing the Forum 360 way removes any friction between asset and wealth manager, unlocking an estimated US$118bn (BCG,2021) revenue opportunity for that industry.

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