mula. The all-in-one merchandise solution.

por Mula GmbH

We provide you with premium products and services to efficiently scale your branding activities.

From product branding to storage and order fulfillment – mula offers automated workflows and more flexibility in managing your merchandise, increasing both the productivity and efficiency of your branding activities - sign up and into the mula platform with Microsoft Azure Single Sign-On (SSO).

mula is a better way of doing merchandise - we create solutions that empower your brand, all while saving your business time and cost.
Partnering with mula for your merchandise activities means having a variety of functionalities to scale your branding activities at the tip of your finger, and seeing tangible results for your business.
  • Decrease the time you spend on processing your brand product deliveries by up to 70%.
  • Reduce cost per brand product shipment by up to 42% cost reduction
  • Keep your company, employee, and customer data 100% secure and compliant.

Who can benefit from the mula Integration with Microsoft Azure:
  • All employees and admins of companies that use Microsoft Azure SSO
    • All existing mula platform users
        • HR Managers, PeopleOps Managers, Office Managers
          • Sales Managers, Marketing Managers, CxOs
            • Brand Managers, Employer Brand Managers

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