Salutare Clearinghouse


Streamlines the process of getting a blood test, giving more choice to patients.

The Salutare Clearinghouse simplifies the process to find patient blood requests for phlebotomy to print first-time, always-compatible tube labels for blood and non-blood samples. It tracks the samples progression to the lab to avoid sample loss and provide more accurate collection times.

Patients save time and reduce stress as they can turn up for an appointment without a paper form, optionally with a digital QR code, to have their bloods taken without losing more time in travel or returning on another day. They can book at any location that is best for them. 

This will save clinicians’ time, ease the use of the service by patients, and reduce material waste from unusable or lost samples.

The Clearinghouse reporting means that administrators can monitor and improve the workflow of blood tests and appointments going through phlebotomy and the labs. They can track down when and where labels were printed and samples taken. Managers can see the performance of staff and teams in order to improve service quality and manage demand. Even faulty printers can be more easily located and repaired based on the quality of the label and form printing.

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