5pm — Project Management and Team Collaboration

avaldaja orange 5 LLC

Turn your Outlook emails into tasks in 5pm project management tool

Want to create a 5pm task with information contained in an email? No need to switch windows/tabs to copy/paste the data — save time by simply creating a 5pm task right from your Outlook app. All information from the email, including attachments, will be copied into a new 5pm task, in the selected project.

5pm is a powerful project management and team collaboration tool. 5pm Outlook Add-in integrates with your existing 5pm account. If you don't have a 5pm account yet, visit

Add-in works with Outlook on the Web (in all modern browsers), Outlook 2013 (except on Windows 7) and Outlook 2016.

Rakenduse võimalused

Kui seda rakendust kasutatakse, see
  • Saata andmeid Interneti kaudu
  • See rakendus pääseb juurde aktiivses sõnumis olevatele isikuandmetele, nagu saatja nimi, adressaatide nimed, meiliaadressid, sõnumi sisu ja manuste teave. Rakendus võib neid andmeid saata kolmanda osapoole teenusele. Lisandmoodul ei saa lugeda ega muuta teisi postkastis olevaid üksuseid.
