Grufity - Financial and Economics Data (Stocks)

avaldaja Grufity

Download and analyze historical US stock, financial and macroeconomic data.

Grufity's Add-in for Excel allows you to download complete financial and economic data for your analysis.

Data Overview:

  • Historical Fundamental Data
  • 13F Analysis and Fund Holdings
  • US Macroeconomic data
  • Drawdowns and Risk
  • Insider Trading Data
  • Historical Ratios and Metrics
  • Year-over-Year Returns

  • Income Statement
  • Balance Sheet
  • Cashflow
  • Projections
  • Company Filings

Upload data and create one repository for your data series (public or private) that can be:

  • Easily reused by you, your team or general public for analysis
  • Merged with existing data to create insightful charts.

The Add-in is free to download and requires an API key to log in. Start a free trial at, and obtain your API Key from the Settings page. A paid subscription is required after trial.

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