
avaldaja KG Workplace Productivity Solutions

(25 hinnangut)

Tag msgs from chat/channels/meetings with Bookmarks by KG workplace productivity

Ever feel overwhelmed by the number of messages you need to keep track of? Or find yourself constantly going through various chats/channel messages trying to locate that vital piece of information someone shared? Bookmarks by KG workplace productivity, makes these workflows easy to manage with a simple, intuitive UI that you will find yourself coming back to, every single day! With Single sign-on support, all you need to do is login to the app with your Microsoft account and the rest of the access is seamlessly managed by the app.

Rakenduse võimalused

Kui seda rakendust kasutatakse, see
  • Saata andmeid Interneti kaudu
  • See rakendus pääseb juurde aktiivses sõnumis olevatele isikuandmetele, nagu telefoninumbrid, postiaadressid või URL-id. Rakendus võib neid andmeid saata kolmanda osapoole teenusele. Lisandmoodul ei saa lugeda ega muuta teisi postkastis olevaid üksuseid.
