
avaldaja Expensya

(118 hinnangut)

Streamline expense management and boost team efficiency with Expensya for Microsoft Teams.

Expensya for Microsoft Teams: Streamline Expense Management and Boost Team Efficiency

New version of Expensya, now available on Microsoft Teams, offers a powerful set of features designed to revolutionize your team's expense management process. With new tabs, enhanced search capabilities, instant notifications, and seamless integration with Expensya web and mobile applications, Expensya simplifies expense tracking, verification, and approval, empowering both managers and employees .

New Tabs : My Expenses and Manager

The "My Expenses" tab empowers all employees to effortlessly add, review, submit and track their own expenses. Use advanced search options to quickly find specific expenses by amount, or expense title.

The "Manager" tab provides managers with comprehensive visibility and effortless management of their team's expense reports. Easily filter reports by status, search for specific reports.

Stay informed with streamlined notifications

Be instantly informed about the progress of your and your employees expenses. Expensya sends timely notifications to managers when expenses needs to be approved. Communication between managers and their employees is leveraged with dedicated notification about expense status update.

Seamless Cross-Platform Tracking

Expensya on Microsoft Teams ensures a seamless experience across platforms. Every expense created on the web or mobile app is instantly reflected in the Teams app, providing a unified view of expenses and effortless tracking across devices.

Discover the power of Expensya for Microsoft Teams and unlock streamlined expense management, enhanced collaboration, and improved team efficiency.

Don't have a Expensya account yet? Sign up!

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