Adobe Express

avaldaja Adobe Inc.

(400 hinnangut)

Easily access your Adobe Express creations

Grab your published link from and pin it to your Microsoft Teams channel to share your creation with your team. This enables your team to provide valuable feedback on your creation.

If you're in the classroom, you can now easily share your creation with your class. Attach your web page, video, or graphic to your assignment and your students will be able to read and watch your content right within Teams and then respond to the prompt you assign.

Rakenduse võimalused

Kui seda rakendust kasutatakse, see
  • Saata andmeid Interneti kaudu
  • See rakendus pääseb juurde aktiivses sõnumis olevatele isikuandmetele, nagu telefoninumbrid, postiaadressid või URL-id. Rakendus võib neid andmeid saata kolmanda osapoole teenusele. Lisandmoodul ei saa lugeda ega muuta teisi postkastis olevaid üksuseid.
