
avaldaja LeanIX GmbH

(3 hinnangut)

Get notifications on changes in your LeanIX workspace.

Elevate your collaboration with LeanIX by utilizing our LeanIX notifications, seamlessly integrated with our LeanIX Microsoft Teams Application, to promptly alert you about changes in the workspace. The notification features in LeanIX provide each user with the flexibility to personalize alert preferences based on their desired topics. Possible notifications comprise updates on Fact Sheet, Subscription, To-Do, and many more. Get a full overview of the features at here To use this application Users must have an active LeanIX account, please contactour support team for more details. Note: Our Existing LeanIX Notification Bot which has the same notification feature will be sunsetting on 31-March-2024.

Rakenduse võimalused

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  • See rakendus pääseb juurde aktiivses sõnumis olevatele isikuandmetele, nagu telefoninumbrid, postiaadressid või URL-id. Rakendus võib neid andmeid saata kolmanda osapoole teenusele. Lisandmoodul ei saa lugeda ega muuta teisi postkastis olevaid üksuseid.
