Septeo Lawyers - Edit for Word

avaldaja SEPTEO

Allows you to insert case information or customized text fragments into your document.

# What is Septeo Avocat - Edit for Word?

“Edit” is an addin for law practices using Septeo Solutions Avocats Neo, version 6.11 or later. It helps improve your productivity as you generate documents!

With a simple click, it lets you insert information directly into your Word document, either from a case or from customized text fragments.

# Inserting case information:

If you haven’t opened your document from your case, and if the addin hasn’t already preselected it, you can search for the folder through the dedicated field, and then insert its information directly. For instance:

- your client’s address and phone number

- case name and number

- role number associated with your case’s court

# Creating and inserting customized text fragments

Create and share text fragments with your whole practice; build a fragment database over time that will in turn help you generate documents more easily and quickly.

**What is a text fragment?**

**Any kind of text you use frequently**: a clause that is often used in contract-writing; part of a conclusion you use as a template; there are as many possibilities as there are users and use cases!

This addin lets you handle text fragments in a variety of ways:

- **Creating and editing a fragment**: type in or edit its heading and content, and it’s ready!

- **Deleting**: has a fragment been created by mistake, or is it no longer up-to-date? Delete it with a click. You can retrieve it from the bin, and restore it for 30 days.

- **Handling favorites**: are you often using the same fragments? Favorite and find them quickly through the dedicated filter!

- **Searching by title**: as your database grows over time don’t hesitate to search by title to find your fragments quickly or check if your co-workers have created any that matches your needs.

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