Wisestep Recruitment Automation for Outlook

seuraavan mukaan: Wisetep Inc

Post jobs to job boards and add candidate resumes to your candidate database

Wisestep Add-in for outlook helps you automatically Import Candidate Resumes into your database on the cloud and helps you Post and Distribute Jobs right from your inbox.

As a recruitment professional, you can

Post and Distribute Jobs from your Inbox

Post job requirements you get on email to your wisestep account.

Post to over 10 free job boards and 1000+ of paid job boards*

Add Candidate Resumes to your Database from your Inbox

Every candidate resume that you receive by email can be saved automatically to your candidate resume database on Wisestep.

All the uploaded resumes are searchable by keywords, boolean strings, locations, skills and more

Build a large candidate resume database for your company or your hiring team quickly especially if you receive a lot of applications by email

Log all your Email Conversations on Wisestep CRM

You can automatically record all your emails to candidates on your Wisestep candidate conversations

Wisestep Platform has native integration with job boards which allows multiple team members to work on job boards simultaneously*

Wisestep connects seamlessly with the following Job Boards*




Tech Fetch


CW Jobs




Unmatched DATA PRIVACY controls

Whether you are an Individual Recruiter or the Head of Recruitment for a large organization Wisestep is designed to provide recruitment automation and database building at scale.

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* Wisestep subscription is required for items which end with *

Supported Operating systems, Platforms and Applications


- Outlook 2013 or later

- Outlook on Windows (Microsoft 365)

- Outlook on the web (chrome, safari). Internet Explorer 11 is not supported


- Outlook 2013

- Outlook on the web (chrome, safari). Internet Explorer 11 is not supported

- Outlook on Mac (Microsoft 365)

Sovelluksen ominaisuudet

Kun tätä sovellusta käytetään, se
  • Se voi lähettää tietoja Internetin välityksellä.
  • Tämä sovellus voi käyttää ja muokata aktiivisen viestin henkilökohtaisia tietoja, kuten leipätekstiä, aihetta, lähettäjää, vastaanottajaa ja liitetietoja. Se voi lähettää nämä tiedot johonkin kolmannen osapuolen palveluun. Muita postilaatikossasi olevia viestejä ei voi lukea tai muokata.

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