Autenti e-signature
seuraavan mukaan: Autenti sp. z o.o.
Speed up your business with one-click e-signature!
What is Autenti
Autenti is a platform for authentication and signing documents online, enabling a convenient and secure method of approving any documents and acquiring e-signature from several people.
Autenti will let you simplify the traditional document flow and signature (printing, scanning, faxing, mailing) and will shorten the time from several days to several seconds. This will provide measurable savings and streamline your processes. Autenti operates on the basis of the eIDAS regulation that covers the principles of e-signature and trust services in the entire European Union. This is why Autenti is equally as efficient and legally-binding in each of the EU member states.
How it works?
Documents sent through Autenti are immediately available for signature to the indicated recipients. You can collect their signatures at the same time. The addressee receives a secure link to their email address, which redirects them to the document on the Autenti platform. You no longer have to wait for a courier or visit the post office to find a lost package.
Qualified eIDAS Signatures
Autenti makes it possible to place qualified signatures. In line with the law, it is equal to a handwritten signature. It makes it possible to retain the written form required for such documents as employment contracts, agreements on the transfer of proprietary copyrights or exclusive licence agreements.
We developed the Autenti platform taking into account the principles of GDPR. Only the recipients you indicate will have access to the documents. All documents are stored in an encrypted archive in European datacentres, so that the data of your recipients is not shared beyond the European Economic Area.
How to start?
- Install this application
- In the Settings tab, connect the application with Autenti by logging into your Auteni account
- If you do not have an account at Autenti, create one at, it is free!
Application Features:
- Inbox where you can see documents for signature that have been sent to you
- Transparent navigation to Autenti to create new documents and send them for signature from Autenti
- Transparent navigation to Autenti to view and sign documents sent to you
Sovelluksen ominaisuudet
- Se voi lähettää tietoja Internetin välityksellä.
- Tämä sovellus voi käyttää aktiivisen viestin henkilökohtaisia tietoja, kuten puhelinnumeroita, postiosoitteita tai URL-osoitteita. Sovellus voi lähettää nämä tiedot johonkin kolmannen osapuolen palveluun. Muita postilaatikossasi olevia viestejä ei voi lukea tai muokata.