IT-Dev Address Book

seuraavan mukaan: IT-Dev sp. z o.o.

Enable your employees to effortlessly browse and search for their colleagues directly within Teams!

Are you struggling to access employee information? We've got the solution for you!

On average, employees spend approximately 2.5 hours per week searching for colleagues. Reduce this time investment by providing a user-friendly contact book within your Microsoft Teams. This empowers employees to effortlessly browse and search for their colleagues’ profiles, streamlining connectivity and fostering efficient collaboration.

By integrating a contact book directly into Microsoft Teams, you not only save valuable time but also enhance productivity and teamwork. With instant access to contact information, employees can swiftly connect with the right person, facilitating quicker decision-making and smoother project execution. IT-Dev Address Book strengthens the overall efficiency of employees and the flow of communication in the organization.

Key benefits

  • Time savings through instant access to contacts in one place
  • Increased productivity through easier communication and collaboration
  • Reduce costs thanks to time savings and increased productivity

Get in touch with us

Don't hesitate to reach out! Whether you have questions, feedback, or just want to chat, feel free to contact us anytime at our website.

Sovelluksen ominaisuudet

Kun tätä sovellusta käytetään, se
  • Se voi lähettää tietoja Internetin välityksellä.
  • Tämä sovellus voi käyttää aktiivisen viestin henkilökohtaisia tietoja, kuten puhelinnumeroita, postiosoitteita tai URL-osoitteita. Sovellus voi lähettää nämä tiedot johonkin kolmannen osapuolen palveluun. Muita postilaatikossasi olevia viestejä ei voi lukea tai muokata.

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