Humantelligence for Microsoft Outlook

par Humantelligence

(15 évaluations)

Communicate more effectively with your coworkers and contacts using the Humantelligence Add-in.

Humantelligence for Microsoft Outlook allows you to connect, communicate and collaborate better with your workers, colleagues, and anyone when writing emails or in meetings.


Well, the first step to communicating and collaborating better is “understanding someone”. HT is the quickest (12 min) and most advanced personality test to help you understand someone’s behaviors, motivators, values and work styles.

Difference with competitors?

- We get a more crystal-clear view of understanding anyone’s personality, given our competitors use ‘public data’ and not a scientifically based and validated tool like ours, so their results are about 40% accurate vs ours which are 85%+. They also only measure 1/3 of what we do – behaviors, and subjectively. So, we give you MORE understanding and better tips and recommendations on how to communicate, motivate, and influence someone, based on that understanding to truly “connect” people.

- They also only do individual understanding. We get to Team Culture understanding, so leaders and managers can be better leaders, and can run calls and meetings more effectively.


- Better understanding, so then better connection, communication, and collaboration.

- Tips on leadership, asking for things in email, or on calls, running team calls, and team management through “Team Culture” tips.

- Enhanced EQ – social-awareness, self-management, social awareness and relationship management.

Install the Humantelligence add-in today and begin to the power of improved EQ!-

In order to use this Add-in you need to have an active Humantelligence account. To learn more visit or contact us at

Fonctionnalités de l’application

Lorsque cette application est utilisée, elle
  • Peut envoyer des données via Internet
  • Cette application peut accéder aux informations personnelles dans le message actif (tels que le corps, l’objet, l’expéditeur, les destinataires et les pièces jointes) et modifier ces informations. Elle peut également envoyer ces données à un service tiers. Les autres éléments dans votre boîte aux lettres ne peuvent pas être lus ou modifiés.

Vue d’ensemble