Unikum - Embed content

par Unikum

Embed content from Unikum.

(This apps primary language is Swedish). Bringing the possibility to create inspiring plans for K-12 education in Unikum and for students and teacher to view these plans in tabs. For a seamless experience of working with Unikum (and Microsoft Teams) it is now possible to embed content from Unikum in Tabs (in your Team). This way you can enjoy the features of working closely with your students and have them create content (in any part of Office 365) and still be able to attach the students work to the knowledge requirements in the Swedish curriculum. The result is a creative environment where students and teachers collaborate during lessons and where the assessment of the student is collected and structured in Unikum. Teachers can then provide assessments for students during the semester to further the students knowledge on what needs improving according to the Swedish curriculum. Then the student and teachers continues the daily work in order to achieve the improvements necessary. Requires a Unikum account.

Fonctionnalités de l’application

Lorsque cette application est utilisée, elle
  • Peut envoyer des données via Internet
  • Cette application peut accéder aux informations personnelles contenues dans le message actif (numéros de téléphone, adresses postales ou URL). L’application peut également envoyer ces données à un service tiers. Les autres éléments dans votre boîte aux lettres ne peuvent pas être lus ou modifiés.

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