

(218 évaluations)

Manage your work organization and office occupancy with collaborative plannings

Org@Work is a collaborative tool that enables you to manage work organization and balance between remote and on-site work. Thanks to Org@Work, you can organize on-site or remote work based on informations reported by employees and framework and rules set by organization. You can also monitor the occupancy rate of your facilities in a flexible way. In addition, you can use the bot to monitor the various planning status. Finally, you can benefit from sharing content and collecting feedback from your co-workers by opening Org@Work as a dedicated tab in a chat or a team.

To start using Org@Work, your organisation needs to have a subscription agreement with us. In order to move forward please reach us at

Fonctionnalités de l’application

Lorsque cette application est utilisée, elle
  • Peut envoyer des données via Internet
  • Cette application peut accéder aux informations personnelles contenues dans le message actif (numéros de téléphone, adresses postales ou URL). L’application peut également envoyer ces données à un service tiers. Les autres éléments dans votre boîte aux lettres ne peuvent pas être lus ou modifiés.

Vue d’ensemble