
par Mindsets Learning, Inc.

Mindsets Learning is an inquiry & project based learning platform.

Students often wonder– "Why do I need to learn this?"; let's show them why. Mindsets Learning is an inquiry & project based learning platform for designing and integrating real world connections into classroom learning.

The key feature of the platform is the library of high-quality math, STEM & science Challenges for middle & high school grades.

Every Challenge guides students through a real-world problem they can relate to which requires students to apply their math or science skills while strengthening their higher order reasoning skills.

The library contains high-quality math & science Challenges that are:

- ready-to-use, interactive digital lessons

- creative and collaborative for inquiry based learning

- specific to middle & high school grades

- aligned to Common Core Math Standards and Next Generation Science Standards

- designed for 1-2 x 45-60 min class block/s and can be extended to a week long project

For teachers, each Challenge is modular making it easy to implement into your existing curriculum & teaching schedules. Teachers have full visibility into student’s progress and content.

This app is designed for both– teachers & students.

Learn more at

Fonctionnalités de l’application

Lorsque cette application est utilisée, elle
  • Peut envoyer des données via Internet
  • Cette application peut accéder aux informations personnelles contenues dans le message actif (numéros de téléphone, adresses postales ou URL). L’application peut également envoyer ces données à un service tiers. Les autres éléments dans votre boîte aux lettres ne peuvent pas être lus ou modifiés.

Vue d’ensemble