
par eggheads ag

Make it easy and engaging to learn something new with chat-based learning nuggets (chatbots).

With the egghead Microsoft Teams App you can inform, train and engage employees in the flow of work - directly in Microsoft Teams. Whenever you want to share helpful knowledge, or get feedback, the egghead is here to help.

The egghead makes knowledge stick with short, interactive, and personalized chat-based learning nuggets. It's your e-learning chatbot. This is what you can do:

1️⃣ create chat-based learning nuggets and

2️⃣ push them to Microsoft Teams via our platform

3️⃣ engage users and transfer knowledge in Microsoft Teams - chat-based

4️⃣ analyze results and gain insights

Use the egghead Microsoft Teams App for your:

✅ Compliance Training

✅ Cyber Security Awareness Training

✅ Sales Enablement

✅ Product Training

✅ Customer Service Training

✅ Refresher Trainings

✅ Employee Onboarding

✅ Pulse Surveys

and much more.

Are you interested in making knowledge stick in an easy and fun way - chat-based? Visit our website and learn more about the paid subscriptions you need to start with conversational microlearning.

Fonctionnalités de l’application

Lorsque cette application est utilisée, elle
  • Peut envoyer des données via Internet
  • Cette application peut accéder aux informations personnelles contenues dans le message actif (numéros de téléphone, adresses postales ou URL). L’application peut également envoyer ces données à un service tiers. Les autres éléments dans votre boîte aux lettres ne peuvent pas être lus ou modifiés.

Vue d’ensemble