
par Cocoom

(19 évaluations)

Boosts knowledge sharing between teams.

**Cocoom is a visual knowledge base that helps you build a source of knowledge to improve support and collaboration within teams, organization and beyond.**


**Our app allow you to easily share knowledge between teams.**

- Create an manage a simple structure with #thematic threads

- Access all your knowledge in a personal App

- Add knowledge tabs in your teams’s channels

- Share efficient and visual knowledge wherever you are


**Why it makes sens :**

**Better interdepartmental / team collaboration**\

Cocoom reduces friction and misunderstandings between two or more teams. As soon as we leave our own team, project or department, we find it difficult to value our actions and give visibility to what we do. Cocoom makes it easy to share visual informations to improve cooperation.

**Valuing cross-functional information / supports**\

Cocoom helps support services to provide a complete, efficient and up-to-date source of information for all employees. In this way, each individual and each team has access to the visual knowledges they need and the role of the support services is simplified and enhanced.

**Sharing certain information flows with the outside world**\

Cocoom allows you to make a part of your #thematic threads created available to other people in an online “extranet” type interface. You can thus easily create dedicated accesses for a branch, a community of customers, suppliers or for the follow-up of large inter-company projects.


**Why it works with Cocoom :**

Cocoom editor helps everyone sharing structured and attractive information on important decisions, realizations or knowledge and let them become an actor of the organization’s communication and collaboration.

1. **Simple organized structure by # thematic threads.**\

Build and structure your knowledge base freely. Add, modify or delete # thematic threads autonomously from the administration interface of your personal Cocoom space within Microsoft Teams.

1. **Publish easily.**\

The Cocoom memo editor is very easy to use, from its many templates and blocks, you can share effective knowledge in between memo and infographics, from day one : text, list, image, video, survey, table, timeline, icon…

1. **Find everything in your personal space.**\

All the knowledge of your Cocoom platform is available in your personal space. You will be able to filter the knowledge that interests you the most and browse through all the information exchanged within your organization.

1. **Your # thematic threads in the teams tabs to create knowledge bridges.**\

Add your knowledge threads where you need them, directly into your Microsoft Teams channels. You can add a thematic thread across multiple teams to share information between those teams.

1. **Push your content where you need to.**\

To let people know that there is new knowledge available, Cocoom offers several types of notifications : Newsletters, Daily summary of thematic feeds followed by subscription, Notification in your channels and PDF Export.


**Start now and be effective from day one thanks to our templates repository:** Human Resources, welcome booklet, Objectives & results, Project management, Agile methodology, Marketing…


**These functionalities are facilitated by a user-friendly visual interface.**


**Cocoom can be used for teams willing to:**

- **HR:** Create welcome booklet et improve onboarding

- **Executive:** reengaging teams around the organisational purpose and strategy

- **Department:** foster cross-functional collaboration (like sales and marketing)

- **Projects:** improve work and process efficiency

- **Promote innovation**

Fonctionnalités de l’application

Lorsque cette application est utilisée, elle
  • Peut envoyer des données via Internet
  • Cette application peut accéder aux informations personnelles contenues dans le message actif (numéros de téléphone, adresses postales ou URL). L’application peut également envoyer ces données à un service tiers. Les autres éléments dans votre boîte aux lettres ne peuvent pas être lus ou modifiés.

Vue d’ensemble