
par BeRemote

ReTeam provides tools for professional teams, coaches and mentors for engagement and social cohesion

ReTeam by BeRemote LLC provides support for business teams, coaches and mentors, youth groups and home care where we need teams who are not colocated. The BeRemote app by BeRemote LLC is an app designed for Professional Teams, Business, HR, Coaches and Mentors to help improve interaction, trust, respect, and overall productivity of the team. We want a team to love being a team and coaching conversations to be optimally effective.

Use our Team Video feature for fun and for standups and retrospectives.

Use our Wall of Fame to recognize a team mate to help motivate the team.

Use our Bright Ideas to share thoughts that the team has to make a more open and social team environment.

Use Video to post encouragement and send positive energy to people you are coaching or helping.

ReTeam requires an account with the ReTeam app. If you need to register please navigate to: Register or open the app and select 'Register'.

Fonctionnalités de l’application

Lorsque cette application est utilisée, elle
  • Peut envoyer des données via Internet
  • Cette application peut accéder aux informations personnelles contenues dans le message actif (numéros de téléphone, adresses postales ou URL). L’application peut également envoyer ces données à un service tiers. Les autres éléments dans votre boîte aux lettres ne peuvent pas être lus ou modifiés.

Vue d’ensemble