

(1 évaluations)

Engage, Empower and Support learners with the tiLly {today i Learned} BOT!

The tiLly {today i Learned} BOT connects employees to knowledge and expert support, right from their menu in Microsoft Teams.

By engaging the BOT, employees can access both organisation-specific and managed-service Q&A and content.

Engagement between an employee and subject matter experts, via the BOT, adds further support by organically building the Q&A, ensuring tacit knowledge remains within the business.

The tiLly BOT can be utilised in 2-ways, or a combination of both.

  • For organisations to build specific knowledge bases and link to their content resources
  • For Partners to include the BOT in their managed service delivery to support clients as part of upskill programmes

Key Points

The BOT combines Microsoft provisioned Azure AI and BOT services with value-added features:

1. Multiple Service Provision from a Single BOT

The ability to connect to more than one Q&A service, facilitating a client's own specific service and provision of managed service Q&A's.

2. Suggestive Content

The ability for the BOT to search content as well as Q&A to widen the knowledge provided.

3. Expert Connection and Support

The ability to escalate a question and connect to an Expert network - allowing the Experts to respond from within their own Teams Channel.

4. Organically Build Q&A from 1-2-1 Engagements for the Benefit of 1-2-Man

Organically adding the question-and-answer pairing (including any attached documents, images etc.) to the Q&A knowledge base, as a result of a question being escalated to an Expert.

5. Extract Tacit Knowledge and Reduce Risk

By organically building Q&A from 1-2-1 engagements, this extracts knowledge from people into a central base, ensuring tacit knowledge stays with the organisation when people leave.

6. Gamification

The employee can rate the answer to their question - supporting gamification of the Expert network.

7. Analysis

Full audit log of all engagement with the BOT:

  • Number of questions asked
  • Most prominent employees asking questions
  • Number of questions escalated to Experts
  • Number of unanswered escalated questions
  • Most prominent Experts in respect to number of questions answered
  • Highest rated Experts
  • Most common subject matter

Note: The analytics are facilitated by Power BI and as such requires the relevant license. Upon licensing of a paid tiLly subscription, the client will receive an email with a link to access the report.

8. Fixed Pricing

A banded pricing model (including a managed service for M365 Q&A and Learning Videos) removing the complexity of Azure consumption-based services, allowing organisations to budget.

For further pricing information please visit our website - Pricing - Tilly Group

The tiLly partner model supports the extension of managed-service training, knowledge and upskill programmes, in whatever form and context, and addresses a number of common challenges:

  • Once the training programmes are complete, how do you connect the people who have been upskilled (the experts) to employees so they are able to provide support?
  • How do all employees (and not just the trained ones) access the content provided through your training programmes?
  • How do you keep the organisation, Experts and employees up to date on evolving subject matter?
  • How can you generate a reoccurring revenue stream from the knowledge your training programmes provide?
  • How do you raise your profile to a wider audience that has not commissioned your services but who utilise Microsoft Teams for their day-to-day work collaboration portal?

Further Information

Fonctionnalités de l’application

Lorsque cette application est utilisée, elle
  • Peut envoyer des données via Internet
  • Cette application peut accéder aux informations personnelles contenues dans le message actif (numéros de téléphone, adresses postales ou URL). L’application peut également envoyer ces données à un service tiers. Les autres éléments dans votre boîte aux lettres ne peuvent pas être lus ou modifiés.

Vue d’ensemble