Showpad for Outlook

par Showpad NV

Easily find and share the latest content straight from Outlook.

Showpad for Outlook enables Marketing teams to put content where sellers need it most – in email client. With Showpad for Outlook, sales reps can easily find the content they need- wether it’s marketing-approved or personalized files, all without leaving their outgoing messages. Track email opens, page-by-page content views, downloads and forwards. Shorten your sales cycles by improving follow up time and tailor every message to your buyer.

Core Features:

- Easy Content Discovery: Search and browse your Showpad library to find content.

- Always on brand: Share marketing-approved content directly from your email client

- Powerful Insights: When content is shared, receive immediate notifications and tracking when the recipient views your content.

- Integrated with your CRM: track shared content and activities to new or existing accounts and opportunities.

You must have an active account to use this app. Not a Showpad customer yet? Get in touch here:

Fonctionnalités de l’application

Lorsque cette application est utilisée, elle
  • Peut envoyer des donnĂ©es via Internet
  • Cette application peut accĂ©der aux informations personnelles dans le message actif (tels que le corps, l’objet, l’expĂ©diteur, les destinataires et les pièces jointes) et modifier ces informations. Elle peut Ă©galement envoyer ces donnĂ©es Ă  un service tiers. Les autres Ă©lĂ©ments dans votre boĂ®te aux lettres ne peuvent pas ĂŞtre lus ou modifiĂ©s.

Vue d’ensemble