Image to PDF

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Easily converts images to PDF files with customization options

Our app is the ultimate solution for converting your images into convenient and highly functional PDF files. With just a few simple taps, you can easily convert any image you have into a PDF document that's perfect for sharing, printing, or storing.

One of the key features of our app is its ease-of-use. We've designed it to be simple and intuitive, with a user-friendly interface that makes the conversion process a breeze. In just a few clicks, you can upload your image and convert it into a high-quality PDF file, ready to share with colleagues or customers.

Our app also offers a variety of customization options, so you can tailor your PDF file to your exact needs. You can choose the size and orientation of the file, adjust the margins and layout, to give the document a more professional look.

Whether you need a quick and easy way to convert a single image or a powerful tool to process loads of images, our app is the perfect solution. Give it a try and experience the power and convenience of image-to-PDF conversion in the palm of your hand!

You must purchase a license before using the app. Please visit Support for getting started.

יכולות אפליקציה

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  • יכולה לשלוח נתונים דרך האינטרנט
  • לאפליקציה זו יש גישה למידע אישי בהודעה הפעילה, כגון מספרי טלפון, כתובות דואר או כתובות URL. האפליקציה עשויה לשלוח נתונים אלה לשירות של צד שלישי. לא ניתן לקרוא או לשנות פריטים אחרים בתיבת הדואר שלך.

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