CSP Customer App

על-ידי Communication Square LLC

(1 דירוגים)

Simplify Microsoft license management with CSP Customer App

Communication Square's CSP Customer App empowers customers with the ability to efficiently manage their Microsoft Licenses. Designed to serve those who have made purchases through a CSP (Cloud Solutions Provider), this app simplifies license management, freeing you to focus on utilizing the tools to drive business growth

Features include:

Easy increment and decrement of License count - Adjust your license numbers as per your evolving needs without any hassle. Whether you're a small business or a large enterprise, the CSP Customer App brings efficiency and clarity to your license management. Unchain yourself from manual tracking and let our app do the work.

Learn more about our CSP Customer App and how it integrates into your business operations.

NOTE : This app is only intended for the customers of Communication Square with an active account.

###About Communication Square#### Communication Square is a Microsoft Co-Sell Ready Gold Partner with 10 Gold Competencies. We are committed to providing SMEs with solutions to manage, migrate, and protect their data.

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