Multiple Sparklines
Transform your Table Data/ Numbers into Charts for stunning visual insights
It is difficult to see trends or patterns when you are presented with a table full of rows and columns of numbers.
This Power BI Custom Visual transforms your Table numbers into stunning charts to give more insights into your data.
The visual supports following chart types
โข Line Chart / Area Chart
โข Column Chart
โข Combo (line plus column) chart
โข Bubble Chart
โข Donut Chart
โข Bullet/ Bar chart
โข Normal values (text, number, image urls, web urls, UNICODES etc)
โข Waffle Chart
โข Range Bar Chart / DumbBell Chart
โข Waterfall chart
โข Star Ratings
โข Beeswarm chart
If you need a particular chart type as sparkline (not available in above list), please write to me at
All functionalities of this visual are available for free within Power BI Desktop. In Power BI Online Service, it will show a watermark. To use the visual without watermark in Power BI Online, please purchase license subscription
For more information visit
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Would love to get your feedback on this visual.
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