
על-ידי IT-DEV GmbH

Microsoft PBI Certified
הורד דוגמההנחיות

Transform your numbers in to icons!

PictoBar: Pictogram Visualization for Microsoft Power BI.

Introducing an innovative way of presenting data, IT-Dev present Pictobar - a revolutionary visualization that transforms ordinary numbers into dynamic pictograms. Designed for the Microsoft Power BI platform, PictoBar brings a new dimension to data interpretation, enabling quick and intuitive analysis.

Key Features

  • Pictogram Display of Numbers: PictoBar converts standard numbers into icons, where each icon represents specific values. This makes data analysis incredibly intuitive and accessible to users at every level of expertise.

  • Effective Visual Communication: With the unique form of pictograms, PictoBar enables users to quickly convey information and achieve effective visual communication, which is crucial in the decision-making process.

  • Intuitive Visualization: Instead of wasting time interpreting complicated charts or tables, PictoBar allows users to quickly understand the range of values and their proportions using clear icons.

  • Customization and Configuration: PictoBar offers flexibility in customizing the appearance and behavior of pictograms, allowing users to optimize data presentation for their specific analysis. User can choose from built-in icons or use standard Microsoft Windows smileys.

  • Business Analytics: PictoBar facilitates tracking of business indicators and trends, allowing for quick identification of key areas and understanding data.

  • Results Monitoring: With clear pictograms, results monitoring becomes simpler and more efficient, enabling quick identification of exceptions and areas for optimization.

Pictobar is not just a tool, it's a revolution in the way data is presented and analyzed in Microsoft Power BI. Experience a new dimension of number interpretation and make your analyses more exciting than ever with PictoBar!

Contact us

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