HCLTech Conversational AI for Healthcare
ืขื-ืืื HCL Technologies Limited.
Assisted summarization of clinical evaluation reports
A cloud native AI-based Natural Language Processing (NLP) & Natural Language Understanding suite of services that easily creates a cognitive search and natural conversational question and answer layer over semi-structured content. Provide state of the art high quality standardized Clinical Evaluation Report Summarization, CEP content automation and data extraction pipeline of enterprise medical device information.
โขBring down cycle times by 50%. Improves efficiency and time in submissions. Increasing overall organizational productivity by 25%.
Conversational AI for Healthcare Offering is powered by Azure Cognitive Services will help in achieving
โข Cognitive Search & AI Skills
โข Domain Adaptation of AI
โข Information Retrieval & Imaging
โข De-identification & Summarization
โข Advanced NLP Analytics & Domain adaptation across industries
โข Document Store, Archival & Indexer
โข Voice Tech & Speech Recognition
โข Conversational Chatbots
โข Scalable & Extensible Cloud Managed Solution
โข Multi-lingual Translation
Key Azure Services driving are:-
โข Azure Data Lake, Azure Blob Storage
โข Azure LUIS, Azure Cognitive Services
โข Azure Functions, Azure App Services
โข Azure Text Analytics
โข Power BI and Power Automate
โข Azure Key Vault, Azure AD, KMS
โข Application Insights
Key Benefits
โข Provide state of the art high quality standardized summarization, content automation and data extraction pipeline of enterprise.
โข Reduction of significant delays in comprehension of any knowledge document and review process. Expected return on investment of multi-million dollars.
โข Increase overall productivity by 25% for complex domain task and organizational AI efficiency through intelligent automation.