HCLTech Conversational AI for Healthcare

ืขืœ-ื™ื“ื™ HCL Technologies Limited.

Assisted summarization of clinical evaluation reports

A cloud native AI-based Natural Language Processing (NLP) & Natural Language Understanding suite of services that easily creates a cognitive search and natural conversational question and answer layer over semi-structured content. Provide state of the art high quality standardized Clinical Evaluation Report Summarization, CEP content automation and data extraction pipeline of enterprise medical device information.

โ€ขBring down cycle times by 50%. Improves efficiency and time in submissions. Increasing overall organizational productivity by 25%.

Conversational AI for Healthcare Offering is powered by Azure Cognitive Services will help in achieving
โ€ข Cognitive Search & AI Skills
โ€ข Domain Adaptation of AI
โ€ข Information Retrieval & Imaging
โ€ข De-identification & Summarization
โ€ข Advanced NLP Analytics & Domain adaptation across industries
โ€ข Document Store, Archival & Indexer
โ€ข Voice Tech & Speech Recognition
โ€ข Conversational Chatbots
โ€ข Scalable & Extensible Cloud Managed Solution
โ€ข Multi-lingual Translation

Key Azure Services driving are:-
โ€ข Azure Data Lake, Azure Blob Storage
โ€ข Azure LUIS, Azure Cognitive Services
โ€ข Azure Functions, Azure App Services
โ€ข Azure Text Analytics
โ€ข Power BI and Power Automate
โ€ข Azure Key Vault, Azure AD, KMS
โ€ข Application Insights

Key Benefits
โ€ข Provide state of the art high quality standardized summarization, content automation and data extraction pipeline of enterprise.
โ€ข Reduction of significant delays in comprehension of any knowledge document and review process. Expected return on investment of multi-million dollars.
โ€ข Increase overall productivity by 25% for complex domain task and organizational AI efficiency through intelligent automation.

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