eekox WaaS

על-ידי Eekox Ecosistemas de Espacios Profesionales Flexibles Empower your Corporate Nomads with seamless remote workspaces and maximize productivity.

Connect your employees and increase their productivity with a simple click!

Introducing the Platform that provide the better phisical work  place to your employees!


Effective remote Work management benefits companies, employees and society.


For several years now, employees have been working from home or from the company's own offices:

- When they work from home, they tend to be disconnected and distracted, and productivity is greatly reduced.

- When they work from their own office, we find disengaged employees who want to continue to benefit from the work-life balance and cost savings that teleworking brings.


Employees are on the move, between their offices, their homes and their holidays, because now you can work wherever you want, the #CorporateNomad is born!


At eekox we understand the needs of the Corporate Nomad and the companies they work for, and that is why we have created a tool that allows you to offer your employees WaaS (Work as a Service), through a system of credits you can offer your employees the perfect place to work, increasing their engagement, productivity and well-being.


Want to contribute to society? Reduce your employees' carbon footprint now!


The eekox solution automatically and instantly facilitates the booking of workspaces adapted to the daily needs of your employees, where and when they need it.

And the community tool allows you to create teams within the company which work together in a natural way, increasing their engagement with your company, as well as the possibility of working with the top professionals in each sector; It is what we call direct learning, mutual, free and for all.

Thanks to our alliance with Microsoft we are fully scalable. Security is backed by Microsoft Azure, where all applicable cloud security standards and protocols have been implemented. We have an alliance with the best work spaces in Spain, Portugal, Italy and Mexico.

במבט מהיר