Comtrade Loan Stress Testing application

autor Comtrade System Integration

Test financial assets, loans units or portfolio resilience under pre-set unfavorable conditions.

Inaccurate risk determinants? Slow stress testing process? Low productivity among risk department employees?

  • Stress testing of financial assets, in banking or insurance institutions can be a rather burdensome process.
  • With Comtrade Stress Testing App you can Gauge your investment risk and adequacy of (financial or other) assets, and help evaluate internal processes and controls.
  • The application functions as an Integrated Stress Testing solution and its' main purpose is to enable interactive scenario testing which will cover key risk targets and most relevant KPIs.

The Application will enable the following business benefits:
  • Streamline decision-making processes

Enable smarter, data-driven risk decisions, based on holistic picture of the risk situation, not only current one, but forward looking as well.

  • Results visualization

Interactive, user-friendly tool which will enable quick scenarios testing on portfolio or individual customer level with options of input parameters and visualization as end goal. Integrated view on key risk KPIs (e.g. portfolio quality, loan losses, RWA, CPP targets, market and liquidity risk indicators etc.) based on broad set of scenarios.

  • Dynamically configure screens to enter parameters for various scenarios

Enables sending parameters to cloud model runtime that is connected to banking or other sources. Moreover, the application allows reviewing of result in a customizable interface, or Power BI visualization, or exports to Excel for further manual analysis.

IST feature examples and use-cases:

  1. Stress Test configuration
  2. Integrated Stress Testing results menu
  3. Stress Test results
  4. Filter review
  5. Visual presentation of results

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