DaIM Nachhaltigkeit
autor Indevo GmbH
Implementing sustainability requirements and due diligence along the entire supply chain
Note - DaIM Nachhaltigkeit/Sustainability is an integral part of the modular DaIM solutions for management systems quality, environment, information security, occupational health and safety, energy and sustainability.
DaIM Sustainability contains specific extensions for your sustainability management system according to GRI, 26000 and the recommendations for reporting standards according to CSRD. The PDCA core components of DaIM as well as all known functions of the High Level Structure are also integrated.
Testdrive - You can test all DaIM functions and modules in the preferred DaIM overall solution in the appsource!
Define risk-based measures to improve the ethical, social, and environmental impacts of your business. The specific duties are integrated into overarching functions and are summarized centrally in the review. With DaIM, you are organized in a legally compliant manner at all times and fulfill all documentation and reporting requirements.
Specific functions in sustainability management systems
- Carbon Management - DaIM Sustainability provides functions for balancing the allocation units for certificate trading. For this, DaIM uses the unique DaIM balancing group approach. For CO2 management, their contribution to climate protection is quantified and the financial effort is evaluated according to BEHG or TEHG.
- Politic - Guiding principles, visions and corporate policies are recorded centrally on a site- and standard-specific basis. The commitment to sustainability is recorded in the Code of Conduct and integrated into the corporate processes. [The specific requirements of the German Supply Chain Sustainability Act (Lieferkettensorgfaltspflichtengesetz) are recorded in the DaIM policy and communicated to employees and external stakeholders, for example through training courses [training management].
- Expectation - The sustainability expectations of interested parties are systematically recorded, assessed, delegated and monitored in the central measures management system. An accessible and confidential complaints procedure is integrated into DaIM throughout the supply chain.
- Risk and Chance - In DaIM, you record all risks related to sustainability. An appropriate risk analysis and assessment is carried out based on threats to due diligence. At least once a year and on an ad hoc basis, it is determined whether there is a risk of human rights being violated by the company's own business actions or the business actions of the (un)indirect supplier.
- Supplier - For the products and suppliers used, the supply chains are mapped in DaIM. The assessment of risks in the supply chain is predefined via global country risks, individually supplemented and evaluated in supplier monitoring. Measures are assigned to minimize or prevent risks. DaIM is used to document measures such as supplier audits [audit management] and supplier development plans [action management].