CRM for Aged Care

autor Mayasoft Pty Ltd

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A complete aged care solution for Australian aged care to manage enquiry, assessment & admission,

A new platform aims to increase residential aged care efficiency by managing enquiry, assessment and admission process for permanent and respite residents in a single platform

South Australian information technology company Mayasoft has developed the customer-centric platform Mayasoft Aged Care Solution (MACS) to help aged care better serve their customers.

At the same time, MACS aims to increase facility occupancy rates by fast-tracking the admission process.

“Our cloud-based centralised platform powered by Dynamics 365 ensures prospective aged care organisation can move away from paper/email based client management and have a centralised system to manage their clients.

This helps the admission and assessment officers to fast-track assessment outcomes by significantly reducing the time it takes to make a decision.

MACS could help aged care businesses improve

· assessment turnaround time

· site capacity utilisation

· revenue realisation.

Unlike other CRM’s with long drawn-out cycles, our product ensures that customers get connected instantly and seamlessly with your staff, thus delivering faster outcomes.

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