Collage App

autor Debopam

(6 ocjene)

Collage app to Display pictures from a picture library in a collage sort of way

Collage app to Display pictures from a picture library in a random collage .

Steps to use this app :

Install the app.

The app will give a app webpart on the webpart or app gallery.

You can add that to any of your pages similar to any app or webpart.

You need to point the webpart to a picture library on the parent website. Use only the name of the picture library. For instance If you are hosting the app on website A having a picture library maned picLib, then just use "picLib" in the library name property

The app part will display the pictures in a random way forming a collage

Typical scenarios where this app can be used :

1. Showcasing the management team in the company site

2. Showing the star performers of team on the site

3. Displaying the COE team members on the site

4. Showcasing the important products of a company on its site

and many more

In case you are trying to use this app in a publishing site for anonymous users, following manual steps need to be performed

For any issue drop me a mail at

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